black and white goodness
Okay, so I noticed that I actually have a sort of obsession with black and white recently.
These are my state-of-the-art few discoveries.
black & white ikat pillow from etsy shop studio tullia
I ordered two of these pillow covers for my bedroom after discovering this awesome shop on my portobello search. I've never showed pictures of my bedroom for good reason. Nothing to show. Every time I purchase something intended to elevate that space, it ends up living downstairs somewhere. This was the case in Pawleys and our house here in Richmond. I made a goal last week to change that. I started with a daily goal to make the bed. Simple as that.
Let's take a vote, who makes their bed every day?
And who else is guilty of neglecting their bedroom for other more visited rooms?
Chocolate Oreo Goodness
Self explanatory but comes with a warning that you can't eat just one bit.
It's sinful.
But, you can also make just one serving at a time, as big or small as you like. Matthew has a giant bowl and I was good and made mine small. I regret it today of course, when I opened the fridge to get out Wells' strawby-yogrit and found a giant bowl of chocolate pudding and a tub of cool-whip staring at me. Ooops.
Delicious, no?
This black and white striped olin runner from Crate & Barrel.
I seriously wish this was larger but at 2x6 it's too use anywhere.
I need 2'6" x 13
What's everyone eles been into lately?