Grateful Heart

In this online world of show and tell it's easy to get caught up in a climate of consumerism.  Buy this, wear that, wishes, wants, etc.  But I don't think that really tells the story that so many of us are living.  It's more fun to talk about pretty pillows and new shoes.  As I learned the hard way, old clothes gives people the sads just as quickly as seeing someone else in new.  You really can't win.  But there are so many behind the scenes parts of all of us that are comprised of so much good that have nothing to do with stuff.  So many blessings counted.  But to be honest, sometimes it's really annoying to read someone's list of #blessed.  Let's face it we all have first world problems around here and our list of what we're thankful for can sometimes read just as bad.  Like making a list and adding the first two items just to have some thing to check off.  Look at me, look how good I was this week.  It's judged just as quickly as a list of what you bought or where you went.  We are all so quick to judge how we spend our time as quickly as our money.  And more often than not, we are the ones judging ourselves the most.  Was I enough this week?  Why didn't I accomplish more.  Wasted time.

I'm sure many would find my days to be pretty boring.  Some days I'm bored.  Some days I pray for some easy boringness.  And you know what, I am so thankful for that.  I am really embracing the ordinary of my life.  This season of loving on babies, and fixing meals, and slipping in work between quiet moments.  This is my life and I'm proud of it.

So I'm not going to give you my list of wants this week or my run down on what makes my life truly full.  I'm just me today.  Drinking my coffee, hopping on the computer for a few minutes to write and look around before I start getting some work done.  The babes are on the couch eating pizza (homemade vegan pizza so that's not as bad right?) and watching a movie because I'd rather pay netflix than a babysitter this morning.  Some work men are out front cutting down a few pine trees in front of our house.  Man I wish that money could have gone into the Mommy Needs A Quiet Vacation Fund.

Speaking of adding to funds, both fun and necessary, work is about to really start gearing up.  My photography business really takes off in the fall and it's already been busy this past month.  October and November are the busiest.  My marketing job is also about to really start gearing up.  As I mentioned before I had the luxury of starting off really slow.  Well now is the time where it's about to switch gears.  I'm feeling more prepared now that I have two designated mornings child free to be in the office.  But I know I'll need more time than that in order to get my work done without staying up all night.  I feel like a weird hybrid of stay-at-home-working-mom.  There are so many of you who fall into this category, any advice?  I feel like it's hard to give either my full attention sometimes.

I'm sorry for the random and not very well thought-out post today.  My brain is scattered in a lot of directions today.  I was up super late last night, almost mid-night, hanging out on a neighbor's deck with some other ladies in my neighborhood.  Such a restoring night.  I guess I am happy to publicly say I'm #blessed and #thankful after all.

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