Life Lately

I'm not going to lie, January hasn't been great.  We've had nothing but cold winds, rain or snow here just about every day keeping us home bound more than any of us would like.

Everyone has been sick.

Poor Tagg got an ear infection that didn't get diagnosed right away, way to go mom of the year.  I thought his crankiness and poor sleeping was caused by teething or a growth spurt.  Thankfully it was caught at his one year check-up and the pediatrician put him on amoxicillan to treat it.  Around this same time his sleeping got worse.  He was literally up all night.  His already bad eczema worsened and the crankiness was at a nine.  Then he broke out in the most horrible case of hives and swelling and he was diagnosed with an allergic reaction to the drug amoxicillan. Again, mother of the year.

I knew something was off with him for almost two weeks but because he didn't have a fever I waited until the issue was literally staring me in the face to do something about it.

On top of this, we found out that we have to be out of our house by May 1st.  This was an interesting twist because my Grandmother owns this house and we had submitted an offer to her to purchase it.  Regardless of her decision to sell, we had planned to stay for another year.

That was turned down along with a vacate date.

And we have no clue yet where we're moving!

We put an offer on a house on Tuesday and the sellers have until tonight to respond.  I'm on pins and needles.  If this house doesn't work out we'll most likely have to rent for a while because there is nothing else on the market that we like.  This spring should bring lots of great houses but none that will meet our May 1st timeline.

Anyone have any neighbors who are about to list their house?  Want to give us first dibs if our first choice doesn't work out?

And it affects Tagg as well.  His therapies are all based on where we live.  If we move, we'll have to start the paperwork over in a new municipality.  And the thing is, we're not sure which one we will end up in.  There are three very strong contenders.  If we rent it will most likely stay in the city of Richmond.  The house we put an offer on is in one county and all the other homes we would consider are in another.  That's a lot of possibilities.

I've moved so much in the last few years and I'm sick of it.  I'm ready to feel settled.  I know military families are laughing or scoffing at me right now because that is your life.  My friend Kara has had to move more than anyone of I know.  But it's still hard.  And packing with two toddlers doesn't sound like much fun.  And not knowing where we're headed, literally is killing me.  I like to feel settled.  Did I mention that already?  I know things work out for a reason and I have to trust in God's plan.

But if you could just say a little extra prayer for me today that I can do that.

Because I'm having my doubts.

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