Five Random Facts + Survey Winner

Five Things You Don't Know About Me


1.  Coffee for Breakfast

I only drink coffee in the morning and I take it black with just a little spoon full of sugar.  I used to drink it from my favorite Juliska mug until I had an unfortunate run-in when Wells was learning to crawl so now I drink out of a Tervis Tumbler with a lid.  I drink at least two of those by 9:30am.  I usually don't start getting hungry until about 11 or 12 and by then breakfast is the farthest thing from my mind.  At Starbucks I drink a grande skinny vanilla latte with whip.  When I go to brunch I always order a spinach, feta and tomato omelet.  I never drink coffee in the afternoons or at night unless they have cappuccino available when I'm at a restaurant or reception.

2.  I don't work out.

Seriously.  I'm not promoting this.  I have a major aversion to working out.  I would rather skip a bowl of ice cream and order salads at lunch than have to run a mile.  My best friend in Charleston made me join the gym (remember Mt. Pleasant Aerobics and Fitness?) and she forced me to go work out and walk-the bridge a few times a week with her and my roommate.  I don't think I worked out a single time while I lived in Pawleys.  I joined Gold's Gym when I first moved to Richmond and went once during my one year membership.  I wish had a walking buddy here, I'm all about a nice long walk.  I wear work-out clothes at least three times a week to take the kids to the park and run errands.  There are so many lululemon moms here I think I can dress the part and slide right in.  I'm much too lazy and I enjoy lounging around way too much to change.

3.  More Kids

I'm starting to second guess the plans we've made for our family.  Are more kids in our future?  I've always only ever wanted two kids.  Two Hands = Two Kids.  I've even taken some long-term precautions to make sure we stay at that number until my husband is ready to make a more permanent solution for our family planning.  But lately we've sorta kinda been talking about the possibility of talking about having a third.  My husband is the one who brought it up first.  He's decided he wants three kids.  I was one of three and I've never been a fan of uneven numbers and all that goes with that.  One kid is almost always minus a parent and always the odd man out.  You even need a different larger kind of car.  And do you stop there or go for four?  And what happens when that last and final child is twins?  Yikes.  That sounds both exhausting and expensive.  All of it.  Not just the twins part.  I know it's not entirely up to us but within the parameters that we have control over how do you decide the right size for your family?  What happens when God has other plans?  I haven't had any trouble getting pregnant before and we've been blessed with healthy pregnancies and strong babies but I know that's not always the case.  I've had two c-sections, the first of which left a pretty bad scar on my uterus which poses an extra threat with each subsequent pregnancy.  If we do decide to move forward on this, when would be the right time?  Wells and Tagg are 17 months apart so if we wait until we catch our breathe this third child will be starting out a step behind them.  We have a perfect family right now.  How do I get over the worry that I'm tempting fate?  Oh, and how do we pay for so many kids to go to college?

4.  I'm obsessed with expensive face lotion

I probably spend more money on lotions and potions for my face each year than on my clothes.  I'm not even kidding.  I have sensitive skin and freckles and sun damage and I started really taking care of it back in my early twenties.  I've got a few tried and true favorites but am always on the lookout for something new and improved.  I'm a total sucker for clean and sleek packaging and a hefty price tag.  I feel like if it's going to work miracles it's not going to come from CVS.  I'm a beauty counter's dream.  I haven't left the house without sunscreen on in at least seven years.  Most days I use serum and primer in addition to tinted moisturizer.  I'm a big fan of the less is more look but not a bare face.  Even with my faux-pilates clothes I wear tinted moisturizer, blush, highlighter, mascara and lip-gloss on top of my skin care regime.  But I hate to wash my face.  I can't remember the last time I actually used soap and water on my face when I wasn't in the shower.  I prefer face wipes to get my face clean and wipe off the makeup.  I use a warm washcloth with no soap in the shower to scrub my face.

5.  Cheese Obsession

I'd take a cheese tray over a dessert cart any day.  My husband and kids demand a steady flow of chocolate and sugar in our house at all times and with the exception of Oreos I could leave it alone.  But a well stocked cheese drawer could get emptied out in an afternoon.  Especially if there was some fresh baguette to spread it on and wine to help wash it down.  I've started to order the cheese plate as an appetizer when I go out to eat even though Matthew doesn't touch it.  My favorite meals all involve cheese.  Dips, spreads, slices, and sauce; I'll take it anyway I can get it.  Matthew makes a heavenly blue cheese sauce that I spoon up like it's soup.  No really.  I'm praying Wells isn't allergic to dairy because if our whole house has to go dairy free I'm not sure what I'll do.



Almost six hundred of you took the time to thoughtfully answer my questions and take my blog survey.  I'm blown away by this.  You're incredible.  I learned so much about y'all.  You are such smart and interesting women and I'm inspired by all that you do.

Full disclosure, I had to actually pay to get the full results because the site I used for the survey only gives you the first 100 answers for free and I had no clue I'd surpass that mark.  But it was worth it to read your stories, even just snippets.  It made me want to do this again soon, with more unique questions.  It's obvious from the much smaller group that came back to comment that most of y'all like to remain anonymous readers from afar.

That's wherein I'll start my next round of thinking I think!

But I promised y'all two things in exchange for your five minutes.  I hope you liked the five random things about me.

And second, the winner of the $25.00 Starbucks Gift Card is Virginia.  Send me and email with your contact information so I can mail it to you please.

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