New House Progress: Kitchen Window Treatments

I bought some fabric yesterday for the kitchen.  I wasn't sure I wanted anything on the windows originally but lately the whole room has been feeling cold and I knew some well placed fabric could solve that.  I went to one of my favorite fabric stores in Richmond, Ufab, and walked out with Windsor Smith Riad in Seafoam.  I have loved this fabric since I first saw it a few years ago and feel certain I won't grow tired of it anytime soon.  It adds just the right amount of color without overpowering.  There is already a lot going in this small kitchen.

I'm lazy and like instant gratification so I immediately folded the fabric up and draped it over a tension rod so I could visualize.  I'm in LOVE!  We can probably take bets on how long it's going to stay that way.  Most likely until someone comes over and forces my hand at cutting this fabric up to distribute amongst the windows.  We still have a backsplash situation on our hands but it just doesn't make sense to add tile when we'd eventually like to upgrade the counter tops.  Cart before the horse and all.  So this is a pretty good way to get your eye off the back wall and up at the pretty.

Do you have fabric on your kitchen windows?  It's such a cheap way to add in something nice.  I plan on making mine faux shades so it's really minimal yardage.

I told y'all I was being extra productive with just one kid in the mornings this week.  I feel like a whole new person.  Imagine what life will be like with two kids in school two days a week and one going four.

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