Goldilocks and the Three Bears Birthday

Before I continue along I just want to say thank you so much for all of your tremendous support of my last post.  It was never my intention to make the people who criticized me feel small.  In fact, a lot of what they wrote about me personally (not true for the threads I found about other bloggers) was nothing more than constructive criticism that got carried away with too many opinions chiming in.  My last post, like every post, was really for me.  It was therapeutic. Although I did feel a need to publicly correct some things, I basically just wanted to clear the air and start fresh.  I appreciate each and every one of you who took the time to comment or email me and I promise I will respond to you.  I took a few days off to clear my head of the chatter and quite frankly continuing the discussion felt exhausting.  I'm going to happily remain here in my space just as they will remain in theirs.  To each their own.  So let's officially call this the end of that.


One of my favorites turned one this past week and we celebrated her this past Saturday.  My friend planned the cutest little party that was both kid-friendly and fun for the adults.  The theme was Goldilocks and the Three Little Bears.  Such a fun theme and refreshing to see something other than the standard pink princess.  She used turquoise, pink, red, brown, and orange spread throughout the party so she'll be able to re-use so much of it for the next time she entertains.

While the adorable labels and emergency bear kid food boxes for the kids certainly were adorable, she included a few things that really made it work.  The party was at 3:30 but people still like to snack any time so she had a pretty heavy cheese plate spread and some home made chex mix.  Wine and prosecco and a cute lemonade tray were set up inside with the food.  I love anything in a mason jar.  Makes even water seem fancy.  The kids' boxes included goldfish, applesauce, and raisins.  She also had gift baggies full of alphabet cookies that kids could grab and eat throughout.  Outside she had a bucket full of iced beer.

While the birthday girl is only one she had several big kid friends there who needed a bit more entertainment than wine or a bouncy chair.  There was a water table and bubbles set up outside in the yard for them.  It was so nice to see simple things like this to keep everyone happy.

Now, onto one of my other favorite party details!  I loved the custom cookies from Kate's Kitchen.  I've actually never used her before but I know several people here in Richmond who have posted pictures of her creations for their children's birthdays and I've always been impressed.  After seeing them in person, I can't wait to use them for Wells' Birthday next month.  They were so yum.

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