Life Lately & Link Love
Life Lately
Well I feel like I'm going to jinx things by shouting it to the world but things are going better with the house hunt. We're actually under contract *fingers crossed* and are waiting on the court to officially sign off on our offer. Remember the first house we fell for, well she's the one that's almost ours. But it's a tricky situation because the couple who own the house are getting divorced and there are two sets of opposing council plus a mediator with a court order to sell. Remember when one of the attorneys passed away the day after we submitted our first offer back in January? Well we've been back in negotiations with them for weeks. We submitted a new offer, negotiated, rescinded our offer. And did it again. This house just keeps coming back to us. Once it's approved by the court *fingers crossed* we still have the inspection to get through. I'm not counting this chicken until she's good and hatched.
Link Love
1. I'm having a girls night tonight with some ladies from high school and I plan to wear this blouse with my all -time favorite jeans but I have no clue what shoes.
3. Did you see that everyone's favorite wedding blog now now started a home blog? Style Me Pretty Living does not disappoint.
4. Erin's gorgeous Marbled Easter Eggs are making me rethink my boring dip and dry set-up.
5. I plan on making a version of these banana split bites for the kids this weekend. I'll have to improvise a little bit with Tagg's allergy. Wells will be all over helping me in the kitchen I'm sure.