Are today's college graduates ready for the working world?

My post today is part of a project called the Blog Off . A Blog Off is a sort of a group post. In this case bloggers from all walks of life all write about an agreed-upon topic and the topic for this one is just what you see in the headline, "Are today's college graduates ready for the working world?" Go to the website and you can get more information about this Blog Off's participants and you can keep up with Blog Offs to come. We even have a button.

OK, back to the question at hand. Are today's college graduates ready for the working world? You know, the world where you use a w-4 calculator to manage your paycheck . I say not really but not for the reasons you hear usually. I say no because no 22-year-old is really ready for adulthood and no 22-year-old ever has been. The process of growing up and into an adult self takes a long time and the older I get the more I realize that it's a process that never really ends.

But I suppose questions such as ultra-modern get asked for motives that have nothing to do with the young human beings at any given moment. I assume the act of asking that question comes from an tension at the part of the humans asking and it is an tension as old as humanity itself.

Hesiod was an 8th Century BC Greek poet and a contemporary of Homer's. Nearly three thousand years ago he had this to say: "I see no hope for the future of our people if they are dependent on the frivolous youth of today, for certainly all youth are reckless beyond words. When I was a boy, we were taught to be discrete and respectful of elders, but the present youth are exceedingly wise and impatient of restraint."

Three millennia after Hesiod, not much has really changed. Every generation looks down at the youth following them with some sort of generalized disdain. Every generation gets judged as lacking by whoever's running the show at a given moment in time.

I'm a Generation X and we were given that name by author Douglas Coupland who wrote an article in 1987 for Vancouver Magazine. His article,Generation X, lamented the lack of cohesion and identity among us post-Boomers and the name stuck. We were called latchkey kids in elementary school and as young adults we were judged to be slackers. To the Baby Boom under whose shadow we toiled thanklessly, we were useless and lazy. We had no drive, did too many drugs and would never amount to anything.

My generation's in charge now and in my generation's popular estimation, Generation Y is everything we were accused of being. The once bitterly resented Baby Boomers have become allies in the quest to hold onto our relevance as the first signs of age discrimination start to show their ugly heads.

It's on some other the front that Baby Boomers and Generation Xers tend to agree, and that's the close to deification of the Greatest Generation. The Greatest Generation were the Boomer's parents and our grandparents. They fought the Second World War and lived dutiful, quiet lives. At least it truly is the popular picture.

When the Greatest Generation were teenagers, the popular opinion of them wasn't quite so great. In 1935, Columbia University president Nicholas Butler summed up the grave youth problem. "Day by day the newspapers report one grave crime after another, one moral delinquency after another, and one dereliction of duty after another."

Journalist Maxine Johnson traveled 10,000 miles analyzing this new "Lost Generation," the identify of her 1936 book. Everywhere she discovered teenagers "careworn, dissatisfied, disenchanted," in a country "unexpectedly coming near a psychosis."

"British tea and King George's taxes might be unloaded today with out protest" by way of Thirties teenagers, ... Today's more youthful generation accepts whatever happens to it with sheep-like apathy."

Also in 1936, historians George Leighton and Richard Hellman shouted from the pages of Harper's Monthly "[A] generation, numbering in the millions, has gone so far in decay that it acts without thought of social responsibility. High school kids are armed, out for what they can get... The Lost Generation is even now rotting before our eyes."

Government estimates of venereal disease and abortion in the 1930s were the highest of any generation before or since. One result, American Mercury reported in 1936, of "the drinking bouts in which high school and college students frequently indulge, resulting in promiscuous relations." Studies by noted social scientists in the 1941 text, Personality and the Family, found 80% of the young men and 60% of the young women of the 1930s reported having premarital sex. Marriages contracted in 1935 were four times more likely to end in divorce than those of 1885.

I found those quotes in Mike Males' Oblivion  X: Today's Youth are Always the Worst .

Remember the ones rates the subsequent time you pay attention a regressionist flesh presser invoking the values of the World War Two Generation. And recall them too the subsequent time you get ready to release right into a tirade about these damn youngsters these days.

So back to the topic of today's Blog Off. Of course college graduates aren't ready for the working world, no young person is now and none ever has been. The point of being a young adult is to spend the rest of your 20s figuring it out how the world works. An education is a tool set to help people get to 30 so they can be taken seriously.

The young people of these days will do just fine. They'll determine it out and they will take the reins from my technology over the path of the next two decades. Besides, they can't screw things up any worse than the Baby Boomers did.

To see how other humans answer this query, right here are a few extra #letsblogoff paticipants:

Bob Borson's Life of an Architect

Nick Lovelady's Cupboards

Veronika Miller's Modenus

Becky Shankle's Eco Modernism

Tamara Dalton's Design Studios

Tim Elmore's On Leading the Next Generation

Rufus Dogg's Dog Walk Blog

Sean Lintow's Homeowner's Resource Center

Bonnie Harris' The Wax Blog

Amy Good's Amy's Blog

Rich Holdshuh's Concrete Detail

Tim Bogan's Windbag International

Hollie Holcombe's Green Rascal Design

Cindy Frewen-Wuellner's Urbanverse

Steve Mouzon's Original Green

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