Pretty Sweaters + Wednesday Randoms

It's Wednesday.  It's raining...again.  Wells is sick.  I've got two work meetings to reschedule today.  I missed posting yesterday and I don't want to skip again so let's just be really random with today's post!

1. I want every single one of these sweaters in my closet now!!!  So pretty and so comfortable.  Y'all know I'm a big fan of looking relaxed yet polished.  These are the perfect combo of style and ease.

Cold shoulder sweater || Open Back Sweater || turtleneck sweater || lace back sweater || pleated hem sweater || relaxed long sleeve sweater || ruffle hem sweater || layered split hem sweater

2. Lemon Ricotta Parmesan Pasta with Spinach and Grilled Chicken.  This looks amazing and I'm making it for dinner tonight.  I'll keep you posted how it turns out.  I used to make something really similar without the ricotta but I think this will be even better.  Recipe found here.

3. Who's watching the JonBenet Ramsey special on CBS?  I am completely obsessed. I'm fascinated by the specialists and the science available now.  It's also crazy to me how obvious it was that someone in that house killed that child yet there was never a trial.  My theory is that it was the brother.  The mother was the first to attempt a cover up and the father eventually found the body (during the hour and a half he was missing that morning with police there in the home!) and realized his daughter was dead, his wife and son were now both guilty, and he chose to help the cover up.  He then led the charge to botch the investigation and keep them all out of jail.  There is also a Dr. Phil special with Burke that I want to see but it's been taken down from youtube.  Dangit.

4. Angelina files for divorce from Brad.  Did we see this coming?  I'm a bit surprised myself.  Did y'all read the reports about the cheating and the drugs?  Apparently he was sleeping with more than just costar Marion Cottiliard.  Angie also thinks he's too unstable to care for the kids.  Obviously, I'm sad for the kids.  I'm not undermining the absolute sadness that comes from the breakup of a family.  But let's keep it light here, okay?

5. Let's flip the switch to the feel good's.  I'm so proud of my friend Elizabeth for her recent work product.  She's using her marketing genius and position of influence to remind us all that we're doing so much better than we give ourselves credit for each day.  Why are we such harsh critics of ourselves?

I'm not endorsing the product, to be honest, I've never used it.  So this isn't a paid ad for the company but rather an unsolicited applause to them for producing a good message to women that becoming a mother doesn't have to be the end of anything, it can be the beginning of everything.

It’s definitely not a spot about (or for) working moms exclusively. The point is that most all moms struggle with being the mom they want to be and everything else (the wife, the sister, the friend, the professional, the community member - fill in the blank with whichever roles are most significant to you). And most moms I know spend so much time focusing on the things they don't accomplish that they don't recognize all that they do.  Me included.  (insert hand raised emoji here)

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