Disclosure Statement | Affiliate Links

I wanted to take a minute to chat with you about my disclosure policy.  In no way is this meant to be a manifesto for bloggers in general. This is a pretty new arena and I have found that everyone is pretty tight lipped about what is going on behind the scenes so I want to make it perfectly clear that this disclosure is meant to be applied to this blog and only this blog.  And of course I realize it's wordy.  Sorry about that.  If you find yourself eye rolling at the length just imagine how my husband feels after I've had two glasses of wine ;)

I have never meant to mislead anyone into unknowingly spending money here.  I think you already know that, but, going forward I will try to follow the new guidelines for disclosure as well as continue a platform of respect for you as readers.   Please know that the actual legal statements regarding disclosure are way above my skill set and that as a "private contractor" I have no one looking over me or guiding me through this process. If you feel anything I say to be untrue or not within the guidelines, I urge you to email me so we can try to sort this out.  It has never been my intention to mislead anyone here and I hope that this post allows for more transparency going forward.

I want to be very clear on one important factor, I will never agree to favorably mention a product or a company that I don't personally endorse in exchange for product or money.  My integrity is worth more than anyone can offer.

I only mention products or companies on my blog (and associated social media) that I love.  In fact, I'd say that I only endorse about 80% of what I am sent for review.  About 20% of the items I am given do not fall into the category of things I would personally purchase so I choose not to include them on my blog at all.  Most often the item isn't really my style once I see it in person or I think it's not worth the price.  I have built my blog around my personal style and is a bag I don't really like worth compromising the value of my opinion both in blog land and in my real life?  Nope.

I don't mention those products publicly because I feel like it's irresponsible for me to put a negative review of an item out there just because it's not for me.  I appreciate those businesses putting themselves out there and trying to spread the word about their products and I respectfully give them my less than stellar feedback in private.  I also only accept about 40% of what I am offered.  You would be surprised (or maybe not) by the amount of requests I receive that I turn down immediately. I also don't feel the need to publicly share which companies or products aren't a good fit for me.  Shockingly, I don't need a pair of Adult Onesies.  No matter their value to others.  But I don't think it's nice for me to do a post on why I won't be wearing them.  I hope that helps to explain why you only see positive endorsements here.

Occasionally you will see that a post is sponsored by a company like this post and this post. That means that rather than send me a specific item with the hopes that I'll like it and publicly talk about it the company pays an advertising rate up front and I get full creative freedom for how I feature them in a post.  The biggest difference from what I just discussed above is that I may choose to purchase a product of theirs for use in the post or not.  Rather than purchasing space as a side bar ad they have purchased a mention in my content.  But all items featured in that post were actually purchased from my bank account.  I'm cheap so you better believe that I like it if I buy it.

I publicly endorse companies and products that I love without compensation all the time so I will include a statement of disclosure when I have been given something for free or am being paid to mention them. TypicallyI will state that so and so company sent me this product to review.  In the past I have used the abbreviation c/o which equates to care of.  The FTC finds this misleading so I will no longer be using that.  I will also state when a post is being sponsored up front so you can chose not to read it.  I promise to make a real effort to blend in sponsored content seamlessly so you won't feel like you totally wasted your time by reading.


I participate in reward style (rS) affiliate links.  This means that sometimes I will receive a commission from the products that you purchase at certain websites if you click to that website directly through a link from my blog.  For example, if you click on a link for a pair of jeans from Nordstrom through my blog and you purchase those jeans or perhaps a new dress and some lipstick I will receive a commission.  Your purchase price is not affected AT ALL.  Nordstrom just pays me a finder's fee from their profit margin.  If you click on that link and do not make a purchase, I do not get a commission.  If one million people click on a link but not one person makes a sale then I do not get a commission.  Clicks do not equal compensation.  Purchases do.

The most often used rS links you see on my blog are from some of my favorite companies that I have been posting about since long before a commission structure existed.  Nordstrom, Serena & Lily, J.Crew, J.Crew Factory, ShopBop, Tory Burch, Lulu & Georgia, and Furbish are just some of my favorite online retailers that I feature here the most often and I do receive a commission if you make a purchase from these sites directly from my blog. There are many other companies that I work with through Reward Style so please do not take the above examples as the sole source of affiliate links used here.

Not all links are affiliate links.

Some of my favorite online retailers do notparticipate in Reward Style but I am still happy to point you in their direction.  For example, Land of Nod, Vineyard Vines, Southern Marsh, High Cotton Ties, and my most favorite candle company, ReWined Candles, do not compensate me when I link to their site even if a million people purchased items directly through my link.  But I will absolutely continue to mention them.  This is where it can get messy for both bloggers and readers alike to differentiate when the "clicks" are enabling me to make a profit.

Bottom Line

I would like for you to be fully aware that the purpose of this blog is not to make money off of you.  However, all monetary revenue from this blog is made through affiliate linking which brings you products at no additional cost and that is why I participate.  While that compensation is beneficial to my family, I will never compromise the integrity of myself or my opinions for any dollar amount.  Any content I bring to you here, both as a possible revenue source or not, will always solely be at my discretion and something I find useful, helpful, pretty or entertaining.  I never want you as my reader to feel that you are being tricked into buying something when you come here or to question my motives.  I really hope this helps clear up any confusion you had about affiliate linking or sponsorships.  Please feel free to email me if you have anything further to add or have questions about anything I've mentioned here.

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