Trust In The Lord With All Your Heart & UPDATE

Trust in the lord with all your heart.  Proverbs 3:5

We're headed to Pediatric Orthopedics this afternoon to check on Tagg's hip.  Apparently he's got too much swagger in his walk*.  He leads with his right foot and his left leg turns out and drags behind just like any gentleman with swagger might.  We just want to make sure it's being caused by AWESOMENESS and not an underlying problem.  Story of his little life, right.  An underlying problem.  We've been battling through those words for fourteen months.  I'm trusting in God that it's once again no big deal.  Will keep you posted too.

*By walk I mean the steps he takes while holding onto a push toy or two hands gripped to an adult to keep him steady.  He can't stand on his own and hasn't taken any steps on his own yet and isn't "walking".  But you know around here we like to celebrate all the little things and he is a stepping around machine.  Except when he gives up and gives us spaghetti legs.  Which is quite often.  He has less than a week to go before he's officially late on the big walking milestone.  We're not going to sweat it when next Thursday rolls around with no changes.  We all learn to walk in our own time.  Literally.



So Tagg's hips and ft regarded smooth and ideal!

The explanation for his wide stance (think second position in ballet)?  Natural athleticism.  The swagger in his step?  Just that.  We all dance to the tune of our own drums.  Tagg just has better rhythm.

The doctor felt like 15 months was too soon to call him late on walking (developmental milestones are highly debated across different specialties in the medical field) and that no action needed to be taken for at least another three months.  If Tagg is not walking and still displaying a rolling foot (or feet) we will consider doing braces on his legs to help his gain some added stability and balance to take those first few steps.

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