Favorite Non-Fruity Summer Drink

I'm not really a big liquor drinker. Actually, I'm not really a big drinker in general anymore.  Although I'm guessing the college years + early twenties could have provided enough good boozed times to last a lifetime.  Thank the lord that social media didn't exist then.  I do however, love a good late summer afternoon cocktail or more often an end of the day glass of wine.  But if the responsibility of average parenting weren't enough to keep me always clear headed and able-bodied, then my son's frequent food allergies, asthma, and quick ability to hive make for a pretty strong case of staying sober enough to drive to the ER.  Always.

But like I said, I do like a drink.  And I'm looking for a new one.  I've been a long time fan of the fruity boat drink sort, Malibu Rum + Midori + Pineapple Juice + lime, but I'm ready to try something new.  It needs to be less sugary and heavy.  Something like my favorite LaCroix but that comes with a slight buzz.  ha!

Who's got some ideas of where to start?  What's your favorite drink?  Also, I admit that I'm not really sure what the difference between gin and vodka is so I'm pretty much starting from scratch in the tasting department.

My other favorite is a glass of Sauvignon Blanc or Prosecco with a Popsicle dumped inside.  Now, that's a fun treat!

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