Flea Market Recap

As you all know, I had signed up for a booth at the Idaho Expo Flea Market.

It was Last Saturday and Sunday.

I had a Wonderful time. I will definitely be doing more booths in the future.

I had never done anything like this before, so it was all new and exciting to me. I had no idea what to expect. My only worries coming into this was that #1 I would come down with the same flu that my boys had and #2 I was worried that I wouldn't sell Anything.

I guess I got lucky because neither of those happened, although my husband Jake did pick up the flu, but he was still a big help, loading, unloading, and taking care of the boys.

So on Friday I dropped off all of my stuff. This is the Expo building for the Flea Market.  I was actually able to drive my car in and unload.

(And there is my sick little Jax hanging out.  Good sport!)

 And here is the equal area the very next morning! It did not appearance the identical in any respect.

This picture was actually taken on the second day. I had a whole different set up on the first day,  but after laying in bed analyzing it, I decided to take everything down, move the table and change out the table cloth.  Good ideas always come to me when I'm trying to get to sleep.

(oh and that groovy tie-dye was from the booth behind me,  Not mine,  although a big one may have made an awesome colorful backdrop  hum...maybe next time!).

My favorite thing that happened, is when I came in on that first morning I had a bunch of notes from some of the other vender's wanting to buy some of my things.

 I think I made 4 sales before the doors were even opened.

All of the other vender's had been so pleasant and inviting.

The first day was super busy,  I made a lot of sales.  Although people were buying more of the items that I gathered from around my house then the items I had made and re-purposed.  I think probably because it was a flea market and those were the kind of things people were looking for.  My hand made items will probably sell better at a farmers market or in a store, so I want to look more into other venues.

But don't get me wrong I did sell plenty,  the Sunshine cottage sign, the little yellow cabinet and most of my spindled bird feeders were all sold.

Here are the chalkboards I had cited I became running on. I'll show you a bit more approximately them in any other submit in addition to these bottles.

When I came home after the first day,  I realized I needed to add more stuff to sell, so I whipped these babies up.  I took some bottles that I had already painted and mod podge on some book page cut-outs of birds and butterflies  Again I'll be showing you more about them in another post.

But for now, I just wanted to let any of you who were interested know how my first show went.

I discovered plenty and I had a terrific time doing it.

Thank you to all of you who had stopped by to say hi,  I appreciated it.  It was so great meeting new people

I can't wait to do it again!

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