Yard Sale Finds and where I placed them in our Home - Part 2

I'm back with another Yard Sale Post!!

Today I'm sharing what I've found recently at yard sales and where I have placed my new found items in our Home. I did a post just like this one a few months ago, in Part 1 and I had such a great response to that post.  Apparently you guys really like to see what sorts of things I find and where I put it all in our home. I'm so glad that you like these post because this is something that I really love to talk about. So what I'm sharing with you today is what I have picked up at yard sales ever since that previous post.

Now if you follow me on Facebook and/or Instagram then some of these pictures are the same as what I have already shared, but what you haven't seen before are the pictures showing where I have placed the items around our home. Finding a place for my yard sale finds truly is my way of keeping our home lively and fun.

Also, if you are not already, be sure to follow me on Facebook and/or Instagram since I tend to share a little bit more on Social Media then I do here on the blog.

OK Let's get started!

Last Saturday I picked up all of the above pictured items. Now here is where I placed it all.....

The beautiful sepia-tone Palm Tree Print that I bought for $1 got placed on a wall in our home office.

At first I thought I'd paint the frame white, but now I'm liking it wood.

You see that white bookshelf to the right?

Well that was picked up at a yard sale the Saturday before.  My mother-in-law actually bought the shelf for $5 but then ended up giving it to me. I found  the perfect place for the shelf in our home office. I still need to fill up the shelves but I'm kinda unsure of what to put on them. Once I get it figured out and put together I'll be sure to share it with ya.

The rosary beads got hung up on my cow skull. As you can see, I collect seashell necklaces and love to hang them on the horns of my cow skull. I tend to find seashell necklaces at yard sales often..... Like really often. And so I just keep adding more and more of them to my collection :)

I also picked up a small dream catcher that has chimes hanging from it. Since I already had a similar dream catcher that I found years before at a yard sale, I tied my new dream catcher to the end of the other one to create a bigger and more beautiful dream catcher and then I hung it up in one of our sunroom/office window. I paid 25 cents for the  dream catcher.

The green metal plant trellis was given to me for free. The gal having the yard sale was like, "just take it" and so I did :) I  placed it on our front porch and I think it looks super cute just sitting there next to my potted plants.

Sometimes I also pick up clothes and accessories at yard sales, but I wasn't going to share all of that in this blog post. However, I just had to share these earrings that I have been wearing every day since I bought them. They are brass butterflies that literally have chimes hanging from them. I freak'n love these earrings! These cost me 50 cents.

Moving on to another Saturday's haul.  As you can see I mostly found lots of clothes and accessories, but there are two things here that I want to share with you.

The first thing is this fun floral twin size fitted sheet.  I placed it on the daybed/dogbed in our sunroom/office and it brought such a fun liveliness to the room.

And the second thing that I wanted to share is this old cooler. I wanted to find an old cooler to use to  hold all of our hot tub chemicals in. This way they can be stored away, but then the cooler itself can serve as a little table next to the hot tub. It's really worked out great!

Here is what I found on another Saturday outing:

Ok, So this black metal paper towel holder has to be the coolest paper towel holder ever!

I can't believe I only paid $2 for it. Of course it got placed in our kitchen next to the sink.

And then the little whale dish got placed by the sink in the bathroom.

I believe the dish cost $1

Okay, so I had found some really awesome fabric at the next couple of yard sales.

In the next picture you will see I found a tie-dye tablecloth...or maybe it's made for a beach blanket, I'm really not sure but I think it's amazing and then I found a set of navy blue curtains..... Oh and if you look closely you will see some more seashell necklaces.... I always find them!!

I put the tie-dye fabric on a papasian chair in our bedroom. And because it is round, It fit perfectly and it looks super cute too.

As for the navy blue curtains, I used them to cover the seat cushions on my outdoor wicker chairs.

When I go to yard sales, I'm always browsing anything fabric, like blankets, sheets, curtains, etc., because fabric can be used for so many different things besides what it's intended for.

For example, some other fabric that I picked up at a yard sale got made into a curtain for our kitchen.

I just used curtain rod hooks to hang it up. I didn't even bother hemming it or anything. It was such a simple thing to do but made a Huge difference in the room. Fabric can sometimes be just as magical as paint :)

On the Saturday when I bought the fabric I also bought this music stand. I paid $5 for it. I picked it up for when my boys practice the guitar so it's currently in their room....which is currently a mess and so I wont be sharing that with you. LOL

Moving on!

Here's another Awesome Yard Sale Day Haul:

The Halloween stuff will be fun to decorate with at Halloween time. The Star Wars Mugs were for my boys, A cute little organizer and some fun girly tops for me. So really the only thing to share here is the cute Lighthouse Sun catcher that I've hung up in our kitchen window.

I absolutely love to look at it while I wash up the dishes. Sometimes the evening sun will shine on it just right and make the lighthouse light up. 25 Cents was all that happiness cost me that day!

Ok Last One.....for now.

Again, lots of cute clothes, a little organizer, some large plastic pots, and this Pier One parrot Mug.

I just had to have this mug. It got placed in one of the corner hutches in our dining room.

Dishes are another thing I keep an eye out for at yard sales. Lucky for me, these hutches allow me to showcase all of the cute dishes I find.

And now You are up to speed on my yard sale finds.

I'll probably be back again by the end of summer to share a part 3 with ya.

So Honestly, Please tell me. Is Yard Sale Shopping your thing?

Do You enjoy it as much as I do?

Would you have bought any of the items that I bought?

I Love Yard Sale Shopping and always want to connect with others who share the same hobby as me.

So please let me know, share with me your finds, and where you place your finds in your home.

And let me know what kinds of things do you keep an eye out for.

Come chat with me on Facebook or Instagram, and I'm also always pinning away on Pinterest.

Thanks for stopping by today!

Peace & Love,


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