I added another design blog to my blogroll
I determined Susan Palmer Designs by manner of Kelly Morriseau's Kitchen Sync. Susan Palmer Designs has a first-rate internet site and she maintains a design blog there. Check it out. Susan's blog is some other splendid web page for layout thoughts and recommendation that is unique to kitchens and baths. Her blogs are exact-natured and informative. Her passion is palpable and her layout sense is impeccable.
So between Kelly at Kitchen Sync, Richard Edic at Richard Edic Designs, Ann Porter at KitchAnn Style, Susan Palmer and me, there are five resources run by designers who blog and maintain a web presence as a public service. This is a pretty cool development. Feel like doing some research? All five of us maintain pretty extensive archives. Want to ask a specific question? Ask!
Between the 5 people too, there may be a extensive range of opinion and revel in. Each folks works specific ends of the market and in locations from Honolulu to Naples, from Northern California to Upstate New York. Imagine, five amazing minds at your disposal. Ain't the Internet cool?