Potty Training

What have I been doing this week while the rest of the blog world is making holiday gift guides?


That's right, I'm knee deep in potty training Wells.  We went cold turkey.  Boot Camp style.  Today is officially day 4.

We went with the Baby Bjorn potty chair because Wells told me she wanted to use her own little potty.  I like that it's super lightweight and portable and it's easy to clean.  I like that there aren't any bells or whistles or pretty pretty princesses that make her think it's a toy.  Because it's not a toy.  It's for getting yer bidness done.  I would have liked it more if they had sent one to me for free to review.

While I wish I had some miraculous list of do's and don'ts for you my plan has been simple and I don't feel like we've been at it long enough to declare success.  But I like our method because it's working.  She's only had two accidents, and those both occurred on day one.

I had a few key components like a package of Dora panties Wells picked out herself and the Baby Bjorn Potty Chair already sitting out in our bathroom where she was used to seeing it.  She's not in MMO or MDO or any other type of pre-school situation where she's been actively aware that other little teeny people use the potty and not their pants when they need to go.  And while she had sat down pantsless a few times over the last several month she'd never actually tinkled in a potty before.  So when I say we went cold turkey, I mean it.

Monday morning we went to our little play group and I told her that her little friend Finlay was wearing big girl panties so she could use the potty and that her mommy was going to teach me how to help her go too.  She acted indifferent to this news.  Monday afternoon I mention this story to my mom in front of Wells where once again she ignores me and my tales of toddlers making tinkle in potties.  But later that night, Wells pooped in her diaper then immediately took it off and ran to her little potty to kiiiiiiinda soooortttaa finish the job and then proudly told me that she "making poop in the potty".  Pretty sure it was the peer pressure did her in.

So Tuesday when she woke up I took her jammies and her diaper off and told her we were going to use the potty now.  And she did.  And with only two exceptions, she has ever since.  No chocolate, no stickers, no reminding.  Number 1 and Number 2.  I'm feeling lucky.

On a side note, we don't have a bathroom on the first floor so I moved her potty downstairs.  It started off in our family room and the next day when my dad stopped by she moved it to a corner of the kitchen where it's been ever since.  "I need pri-acy mom."  Girl gets it.

So like I said, we're on day four and we haven't had an accident since day one.  I'm going to give it a full week before I share my tips and tricks of what worked for us.

I'd love to hear all about your adventures in potty training.  I'm sure everyone has a funny story or some awful gory story that's scarred them for life!  Let's hear it!  And this can totally include your pets my loves.  I'm sure y'all skipped this post, but just in case you're still here I want to make it clear I don't descriminate against non-child toting readers.  And potty training puppies is worse.  Believe me.  It's worse.

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