A Little Survey Pretty Please (There's Starbucks in it for you)

Okay my lady friends.  I had one hell of a weekend, what about y'all?  Sadly, not all of it was fabulous as I ended up in the emergency room yesterday morning with Wells.  Apparently Baby Girl was so jealous of her little brother and all his attention stealing allergy problems that she decided to throw herself into anaphylaxis.  No joke.  Girl was eating a freaking grilled cheese sandwich when shit hit the fan.  Six hours, four prescriptions, and a double pack of epi pens later we were back home just in time to snuggle up for the snow.  In March.  Get with it Spring.  But our sweet little patient is doing great.  Fantastic really.  We're still pretty perplexed by this random occurrence and are hopeful the allergist will provide some tangible insight.  Let me tell you this motherhood business is no joke.  No freaking joke.

So I even have a favor to ask of you loves.

If you don't mind popping over for this quick little blog survey I would be super appreciative.  I really wish we could all just chat about these things over some coffee but in all honesty logistics as well as my children's limited attention spans make that nearly impossible.  Or a glass of wine.  That might get much more interesting.  And I know all of you are oh so interesting, that's why you're here right.

But while I can't send booze over the internet I can send coffee.  So as a huge thank you for your time and honesty I'm going to randomly select one of you to gift a $25 Starbucks Gift Card just for taking the survey.  Seriously, all you have to do is click over here and then come back and leave a comment so I know you gave up all your dirt.  You might even get a skinny vanilla latte out of it.  Painless right?

I really appreciate it my dears.  And you can feel free to leave something about yourself in the comments section if you choose to be so bold.  We're all friends here and it's time I got to know each of you a bit more.  I don't like to be blown off so if this is super successful and I get a good response I might even gift you with one of those Five Things About Myself posts that have floating around the bloggy-sphere lately.  You know love that crap.

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