What Your Rooms Say About You (or so my life coach says)

 What Your Rooms Say About You (or so my life train says).

For the past few months I've been working with a life coach.  My quick description is that it's like therapy-lite.  We're working on my goals, both short term and long term, and how I can get there and what obstacles (mostly of my own creating) are holding me back.  I'm trying to find out who I really am as an individual beyond wife and mother and what will really fulfill me.  How to be the best version of myself which will in turn make me a better wife and mother.

It's like meeting with your really insightful and compassionate friend who is aware of all the latest cool information on self-actualization and mindfulness and motivation and knows how to keep the conversation focused and moving deeper.  She lets me talk about myself the whole time in a caring and supportive manner.  She knows the exact right question to ask to make me analyze my thoughts and dig a bit deeper.  Basically, I've hired myself a cheerleader with no strings attached to the outcome.  To sum it up, if you're like me and used to be obsessed with the old "What's your BLANK style" from Seventeen Magazine or Cosmo and you suddenly find yourself wholly relating to the title (maybe not the entire plot line) of "How Stella Got Her Groove Back" then you might find it a good fit for you too.

teepee || chairs (similar look for less) || pillows || rug (currently 70% off) || lamp (Similar) || black and white beach print || bench (similar) ||

Anyway, back to the room thing.  This week we touched upon a fun little exercise about how the rooms in your home are a reflection of you. Duh, that's nothing new right.  But let's dig deeper.  More specifically, how you verbally describe both your favorite and your least-liked room is in direct correlation to how you view yourself.  Try it.  What do you love about it, why?  What do you hate about it, why?  The words you use to describe them will typically mimic the way you feel about yourself.  Your shortcomings, what you wish you could change, your strengths and gifts to the world.

*As you can see the weblog has gotten a miles wanted makeover.? I wanted a clean start.? Unfortunately, my put up titles have mysteriously disappeared and I can not seem to parent out the way to make the whole publish display on one page with out the second click.? So disturbing.? I'm sorry.? I've emailed the IT person to optimistically get this resolved asap.

I'd love to know if this was true for you; although please don't feel like you need to divulge all your answers.  I thought it was really fun and helpful for me to think about and I know some of y'all will love this exercise too!

*As you can see the blog has gotten a much needed makeover.  I needed a fresh start.  Unfortunately, my post titles have mysteriously disappeared and I can't seem to figure out how to make the entire post display on one page without the second click.  So annoying.  I'm sorry.  I've emailed the IT person to hopefully get this resolved asap.

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