Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more

From Houzz :

Lola Bs traditional

traditional home layout

This space is undeniably fussy and romantic, from the chandelier to the Hotel de Paris signal. However, the particular color of blue gives the room a piece of an part, saving it from saccharine sweetness.
What edge? Maybe this room remembers Seeing the edge as it slid into the abyss. I don't care what color these walls are painted, the hokey Hotel de Paris sign and the antique grocer's scale make for one cloying sideboard. Saved from saccharine sweetness? Hardly. This vignette is giving me a cavity.

It does make me wonder though, do Parisians hang fake signs that read New York Hotel or The Inn of Los Angeles in their dining rooms in a failed attempt to appear worldly and sophisticated?

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