Saturday Shopping
Now that I admittedly live in yoga pants for the better part of the work week, I'm trying to make more of an effort to step it up on the weekends. Nothing overly fancy, just simple outfits I used to wear Monday through Friday now seem to make their first appearance on Saturdays. It might have something to do with Matthew taking the kids on a standing breakfast date so I actually have some quiet time to get dressed. Baby Steps. One day I'll have it all together every day.
I've also been trying to slip away a bit more on Saturday afternoon's during quiet time. Nothing exciting. Just a quick trip to Target and Trader Joes or Homegoods in peace. I have a hard time carving time out for myself. I feel like the weekends should be when our whole family spends time together. But that's also the best opportunity for me to get some much needed alone time. And I'm realizing more that Matthew and the kids need time together away from me as well.
Do you try to get away by yourself on the weekends? Meet a friend for a kid-free lunch? Just go wander around Nordstrom alone? I love to drive through Starbucks and just enjoy my freedom for two hours.