A run through the granite yard
I popped into Cutting Edge Granite yesterday to check on some slabs of Santa Cecilia a client is using in a kitchen. At the risk of offending somebody, all I have to say is yawn.
Santa Cecilia is an cheaper granite from Brazil and it screams "I were given my kitchen at Lowe's!" Ugh. But at this level of the game, any sale's an excellent sale. Right? Right?
While I become there, I saw a couple of real beauties. This is a granite this is commonly referred to as Matrix. Well, as a minimum, that is what it is referred to as on the places I common.
Granite and herbal stone slabs have commonplace names that are kind of arbitrary and people names vary from vicinity to location. They have clinical names too, but that most effective describes the sort of stone it's far, no longer the call of the pattern. It can be confusing. Matrix is an OK name for this one, however I want to call it some thing greater evocative.
Fresh from the truck was this splendor.
It didn't have a rustic of starting place label on it, however there was a sticker with the hand-written name "Varde Raize." In searching at it even though, I can tell it's a quartzite. Its name doesn't difficulty me an excessive amount of.
I'm no longer so positive I'd want to see an entire kitchen accomplished in this, however imagine the grasp bathtub it could transform. Wow.
So my query is that this, any frame accessible ever see this stone before? These are pics taken on my cellphone, I must move lower back and picture this quartzite well. I scent a brand new obsession forming...