master bedroom progress
Remember once I noted that I ordered those black ikat pillows from etsy?
It's ok in case you skimmed over that part, so did my husband who acted surprised whilst fedex pulled up.
Well they arrived remaining weekend and I am smitten!
I've been making properly on my promise to make the mattress each morning and I'm proud to say I haven't neglected an afternoon.
It's humorous that some thing easy like making the mattress has stimulated an entire new overhaul.
I moved our drapes up from the living room. I had originally made them for this room anyway. And the gold & python bench now resides at the foot of the bed. I adore it and Wells is pretty pleased that she now has access on and off our bed.
I also created some His and Hers art to go above our bedside tables.
I'm really liking how this is turing out so far and I try to keep in mind that it's going to be a work in progress like the rest of my house for a while.
After looking at these pictures I'm thinking I need to add "iron linens onto that list
This room still needs sooooo much work:
new bedside tables
new wall color
(either much darker with less green/brown undertones or much lighter like classic gray)
new sheets
area rug
(maybe a rich persian to add some old school charm)
trim for the window panels
(I'm thinking greek key to add a classic touch)
find or create art for the other walls
hang large mirror
hang existing art
(I wouldn't mind it resting on the tables if they were large enough)
replace closet doors
(or just get a second one to replace the missing one)
mount tv
(yes we have a tv in our room. Judge away, I'll be too busy watching RHNY under my cozy down duvet to care)
Anyone else been working on a new resolution lately (like making the bed) or added anything pretty to your bedroom you want to share (with links, of course so I can copy)?