Crazy Wonderful {shoe bow tutorial}
Got a fun little post from my girl Shelley for y'all today.
She's sharing a quite suitable DIY that I can not wait to strive out myself!
If you do not read her weblog yet, make certain you cross test it out!
Before I start I just want to say thank you to Julia for inviting me over to guest post on her amazing blog.
Thank you so much for having me Julia!!!
Isn't her sense of style perfection?! The woman blows me away!!!
Speaking of fashion, allow's talk approximately shoes m'kay?
Every female has a couple of simple black heels.
They're your visit, in no way fail heels.
They work hard for you, so... let's make them work a little harder shall we?!
My husband and I have a vacation coming up soon, which means date night every night - squeal!!! I want a few shoe options, but don't want to pack a bunch of shoes, so I came up with a couple of ways to dress up/switch up my plain black heels.
Version One
What you will want:
Two 16 inch long strips of ribbon (I used 1.5 inch wide grosgrain)
Two 4 inch long strips of ribbon
Needle and thread or sewing machine
Glue and glue gun
2 bobby pins
STEP ONE: Start folding one of the 16 inch long pieces of ribbon over on itself self back and forth until you're happy with the width and position of the bow.
Repeat for the second shoe and you are executed!
Version Two
My little girl's favorite - she thinks it looks like Tinkerbell, I agree :D
What you'll need:
Fabric - 2 strips of fabric 1 yard long by 2 inches wide
Sewing machine and thread
Hot glue and glue gun
Felt (cut into two small circles, approx. 1.5 inches wide)
2 bobby pins
STEP ONE: Fold one strip long ways and sew along the folded edge using the longest stitch length available on your sewing machine. Make sure NOT to back stitch at the beginning or end and DON'T clip your beginning and ending threads.
Repeat for the second shoe and you are executed!
I love both variations, but I suppose my favorite manner to put on them is by combining the 2.
There are SO many options.
Think flats, sandals, wedges, open toe...
Striped ribbon, polka dot material...
The possibilities are endless so have a laugh!!!