Live free, shower free

Here's a couple of shots of a shower by Tetard, Hadiquez and Grisoni (better known as THG) at last month's Maison et Objet éditeurs in Paris. Maison et Objet is a world renowned annual showcase of fantastical house products. Christian May, of the internet's Maison21 , is a Maison et Objet  habitué and maybe he'll share with us some insights on his various trips over there if we ask him nicely. Anyhow, back to the shower. Here it is.

I thinks it's glorious and it reminds me of a concept pioneered by Dornbracht , another fixture manufacturer. Dornbracht developed something they call a Free Shower. It's free in the sense that it's not walled off. Here are a couple of Dornbracht's Free Showers.

I love them and I love the idea of showering without standing in a box. But on the other hand I have an exhibitionist streak and the years have been type to me.

What do you think of the idea of showering without boundaries? Did Dornbracht start something great or impractical? Given the opportunity to install the THG shower shown at the top of this post, would you?

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