I'm now hysterical. Officially.
I just obtained a draft of my new commercial enterprise card with the almost-finished brand intact. The URL, email address and the rest aren't the very last copy however aesthetically it's just about there.
Endless praise go to Amy Allen from Allen Harris Design . She embodied everything I want to say about myself and about K&RD in an image. I am stunned speechless. If you ever need someone to handle your graphics, your marketing, your communications, etc. Allen Harris is a one-stop shop.
Now the final version will get tweaked a bit from here based on my last round of changes but this is wonderfully close. If you need a primer, that image hinges on something called the Golden Ratio. The Golden ratio is the intersection of art, math and science and it's represented by the lower case Greek letter phi (ϕ).
Specifically, what it means is that two quantities are in the golden ratio if the ratio of the sum of the quantities to the larger quantity is equal to the ratio of the larger quantity to the smaller one.
Expressed in art, it looks like the Fibonacci Spiral.
Algebraically, it's expressed with this equation.
As a decimal, it's an irrational number. That's a number that can't be expressed as a fraction because it divides into itself endlessly.
The discovery of the Golden Ratio is attributed to the Greek mathematician Pythagoras. Adherence to the Golden Ratio defined classical architecture and art, it ruled the Renaissance and it captivates math and art people to this day.
The Golden Ratio is perfect proportion. It's what Greeks were chasing when they built the Parthenon.
It's what DaVinci is expressing in his Vitruvian Man.
It's the shape of a nautilus shell
a hurricane
a head of broccoli.
It's buried in every classically beautiful building, interior and yes kitchen there is. It's the proportion of my arms, my face and my DNA. And now it's in my logo. I don't think I've ever loved something as much as that business card layout.