Eat Cake For Breakfast | Or Donuts For Lunch

It's been a trying week friends.  Wells isn't feeling well and she's gone completely crazy.  She's 3.5 going on 13, I swear.  It's out of character for her usual sweet self.  She yells, she slams doors, she "quits our family", uses curse words (ooops, my bad.  I most definitely never drop the eff bomb), and overall refuses comfort.  Tagg, in return, gets super clingy which is actually hard to do for a Velcro baby.  I didn't realize we could actually be any closer without  him official climbing back into the womb.  My allergies are acting up and I'm hormonal.  Oh yeah, and we left yesterday for a week at the beach without my husband.  Can you sense the dread in my voice.

The truth is I'm just not looking forward to spending six days alone with them.  I know it will be fine once we get there.  And get on the beach.  And see old friends.  And drink lots of wine.  It's just hard vacationing as a single mom.  It's hard doing much of anything with a two year old and a three year old.

Can any of you relate?  Do you ever get away with just the kids and leave your husband behind at work?  I'm actually used to being a one-woman show most of the time so the missing few hours of co-parenting won't be that big of an adjustment.  And there is nothing a little salt water and sand can't fix.  And we're making memories.  So setting out on these adventures is always worth the extra work.

I don't want to leave this post full of negativity so I thought it would be fun to list 5 random things about myself.  A different twist on five for friday.

1. I always buy myself donuts when I bulk grocery shop.  I usually eat at least 2 or 3 on the ride home.  I buy allergy approved treats for the kids too so I can relish my treat in peace.

2.  I'm obsessed with Perrier slim cans and La Croix sparkling water.  I have at least one every afternoon.  I never drink soda so this is my vice.

3.  I prefer to sit on porches and boats and look at the ocean over actually getting sandy.

4.  I still haven't bought a new coffee maker after our discussing a few weeks ago.  I have my mind made up but I just can't pull the trigger.  I'm this way with so many things.  I'm not indecisive just trigger-shy.

5.  I almost never go anywhere but pertinent errands, school, church, playdates, and playgrounds with my kids.  Always with a 2 hour limit.  Asking anything else of them or myself is just entirely too overwhelming.  I know our limits and I don't push them.  I don't really do anything of the things that a SAHM should do.  I know we're all happy for it.  I think our culture expects too much of mothers.

Okay, so how was that for an off-topic post. I promise to get back to pretty shoes and lip gloss in no time.

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