The Kitchen Mogul strikes again

Anybody who spends any time around this blog knows that I love to find new finds from all over the net. I don't care if it's a new product or a new website, the amount of great content and great people out there is staggering. Well a couple of weeks ago I made the acquaintance of someone on Twitter who goes by the nom de net The Kitchen Mogul .

The Kitchen Mogul and I have struck up an enjoyable repartee on Twitter and he writes a really great blog called Kitchen Design Think Tank . The man knows what he's talking about and his experienced eye is forever combing the internet for new ideas related to kitchen design. He reminds me in a lot of way of my pal Johnny Grey, who's another one who's forever rethinking his (and my) assumptions.

I've added Kitchen Design Think Tank to my blogroll and I'm recommending giving his blog a good read. He's relatively new at all this, so pop over and say hello. He's a high-end designer who knows what he's talking about.

The Mogul sent me some photos and a description of of kitchen that won a Design Award in London last week and I'm pretty taken with it. He sent along too a description of it from the designer, Darren Morgan from Glenvale Kitchens in County Armagh, Northern Ireland. The kitchen's now in a showroom in Norther Ireland but it began it's life at a trade show. Designing a single kitchen that will fit into two, wildly dissimilar spaces is a level of complication I don't even want to think about.

The kitchens broken into five work zones; consumables, non-consumables, cleaning, preparation and cooking; and it has a real, 750 liter aquarium in its back splash.

I love how seamlessly it fits into the room it's in and I am completely taken with that island.

From the designer:

I wanted this kitchen to actually come alive inside the structure surrounding it at the same time as nevertheless appearing beyond expectation on useful stage.

My purpose is to encourage a dating among consumer and kitchen right all the way down to knowing the names of the fish and having the functionality tailor-made to the user?S way of life.

The remotely operated doors and custom made aquarium breathe life into this kitchen while the island introduces softer geometry and mood setting colour.  This kitchen fits any social occasion or time of day and can sit in a "Standby" and an "In Use" position!

Achieving ergonomic performance and aesthetical pride on every degree is the cause for this design.


A Servo Drive electric powered beginning gadget is used on all doorways and drawers. This consists of the most effective remotely operated starting gadget for wall devices available in the international (At the time of design).

The aquarium heating, lighting, filtration and circulation systems use the most green generation available.


Kitchen aquariums are common, a living splash lower back is not!

The island is unconventional introducing tender geometry, strength efficient extraction and interactive lighting fixtures.

This kitchen is attempting to be evolutionary in that it is completely functional, completely automated, can be in a standby or an in-use position and offers entertainment and companionship to the user.I'll take two! Many thanks to The Kitchen Mogul and his blog Kitchen Design Think Tank for passing all that along. Now go pay him a visit and tell him I said hello.

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