Cozy Backyard Space
Happy Sunday!
I generally do not weblog on Sundays. And I normally put extra time and concept into my blog publish.
But nowadays, I just idea I'd stop in to mention Hello and proportion some pix with you.
I wish which you are enjoying your day to date.
So that is a little area I created in our backyard.
The weather here in Idaho has been so cool and crisp lately, we've even had a few rain showers come our way.
So I actually have surely been enjoying hanging out out of doors, sipping on my morning coffee, writing up my weekly scheduled, it is simply been so quality.
I commonly should put my wicker fixtures within the garage at some point of the autumn and iciness months, in order that it would not get ruined by using the weather.
But I came up with a new plan, instead of storing it within the storage, I've moved it to my boy's play fort.
This region is protected so I can go away my wicker exterior all year lengthy.
My boys assume it is a extremely good idea as properly.
I brought some curtains for privateness from the acquaintances. And I've added a ton of pillows to make the gap greater comfy.
And I added a disco ball just for a laugh.
Thanks for preventing via.
Have a lovable day,