A new social media webinar coming next month

Thanks to the great Leah Thayer from the website Daily5Remodel, I'll be speaking at an hour-long webinar on February 15th at noon. The webinar is calledHow I Mastered Social Media to Build My Business -- and How You Can Too and it's sponsored by Builder Link in association with Daily5Remodel .

This webinar will cover how I managed to turn this blog and my Twitter presence into set of tools that altered the trajectory of my career and more importantly, how anybody can use these same tools to do anything he or she wants. The session will have a definite skew toward the design and build communities, though anybody's welcome. There's no cost for this webinar and you can register by following this link .

If you've ever wondered what the heck this Twitter thing is all about, now's your chance to hear first hand what it's all about about. Join us on February 15th and don't put it off. Registration's limited and will close automatically when we reach our maximum number. Feel free to drop me a line if you have any questions. And go register now .

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