New House: Landscaping Plans
I'm going to deviate a little bit today from interiors or all things going on inside our home to talk a little bit about some changes we've made outside. And by we, I mean 100% solely my husband. We have a rule that I make the inside decisions and he decides what happens outside. We have ultimate veto power but have found this creates more harmony if one person takes the lead. We spent the six months pulling things out and now we're starting to create a long-term landscaping plan and will be adding more back in.
The plants around our house were completely overgrown and encroaching onto the exterior itself. They were planted too close to the house with no breathing room creating a really bad moisture problem. Dark, cool, damp brush is home to lots of things you don't want near your front door.
Matthew added in several compact holly to line the front which will hopefully grown big and full before we know it. That's what you can see in the images below. We'll also be adding in liriope to fill the entire front section between the house and the sidewalk. Next we'll put in a few crape myrtle trees on either side of the house to add some visual height.
Of course we still want to paint the whole house white, including the brick siding. Shutters will be black and that dang door will be painted a fun color eventually! So many to-do's so little time and money! I can't wait for it to look like some of these beautiful homes below!
So tell me, are you into landscaping at all? Do you