Cabo San Lucas, Mexico

Last week I was in Beautiful Cabo San Lucas, Mexico celebrating 10 Wonderful years of marriage with my favorite person in the whole world,  my awesome husband Jake.

This week I'm struggling to get back into the groove of ordinary life.  Jake claims he has PVD (post vacation depression) and I think I may have a little of it too!

We had taken a trip to Cabo when we were just dating and it was one of our most favorite vacations,  so that is why we decided to go there again.

We had an brilliant time, usually just doing a whole lot of this...

Cabo is most known for its Arch. ( El Arco ) We had a extraordinary view of it from our balcony.

The resort we stayed at had infinity pools, which have been Awesome!

The weather however wasn't the best.  It rained almost every day we were there,  and not just a little drizzle but full on down pours.  We didn't let it get us down though.  We spent many of the day's sitting in the hot tub and letting it just rain down on us.  We also found it to be incredibly relaxing,  we would just sit on our balcony,  reading books and listening to the combination of rain and waves.

On the second day we were there,  we got a little wild hair and decided to go Zip Lining.

It ended up being the perfect day to this as it wasn't too warm and it wasn't raining.

Zip lining was something I've always wanted to do,  but when it came time to go I was having some major anxiety. But the instructors were awesome. They were all bilingual and made us feel very safe.

The tour had 8 runs,  with a little hiking in between.

some of the runs were solo and on some of them we got to  go together.

Talk about an adrenaline rush!  Seriously, it was the highlight of our trip.

And then it changed into just lower back to the seashore and back to being lazy.

When we would go for walks along the beach I kept finding heart shaped coral.  I ended up with 10 of them. One for each year of our marriage.

And here's a image of our motel.

The motel became a Welk's Resort named, Sirena Del Mar

You can learn more about the resort HERE

I think we would definitely stay there again. The rooms were really nice,  but the only downside is that the beach was small,  although we could have taken a cab to the larger beach as well as the down town shopping area, but we didn't because of the rain.  And we had also heard that that area was pretty flooded.

It became a outstanding trip that we will be speakme about for years to come.

okay,  now back to trying to get back to reality!

Thanks for preventing by using,


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