Meow Monday
Monday, 14 October 2019
Meow Monday
Happy Meow Monday! I'm here to brighten your day with some photos of cute cats! I know it helps me! I hope it helps you get the week started on the right foot.
Keep reading to get updates on each cat.
If you want more cat photos and videos, follow us on Instagram: @mackandmango and @plainchicken

We call Mango - Princess Fluffy Tail. She is going to be a fluffy cat when she is grown up.
Mango has become my cat. She comes into my office every day for snuggles and sleeps on my lap.
I took a nap on Saturday and she slept/snuggled with me.
After my nap, we watched Hallmark movies all afternoon.
It was the perfect girl's day!

Mack is crazy wild. He plays all day and darts around the house.
His BFF is Felix. He absolutely LOVES him.
He shares food bowls with him, head butts him, and begs Felix to play with him.
Mack is still climbing the screens on the porch. I swear he is going to fall through soon.
He is too chubby to be doing that! LOL!

Felix is my buddy. We go downstairs every day and do a workout video.
He loves it! I love that he wants to spend time with me.
He still loves the kittens - cleans and loves on them all day.
I'm so happy that Felix is happy!