The New York Times always makes me laugh

Judith Warner has a really amusing piece on the Times' website today describing the angst of an SUV owner in a time of four-dollars-and-change for a gallon gasoline. Warner writes a blog called Domestic Disturbances . It's always a good read.

The tale could be known as: I Can No Longer Afford to Drive My Car.

The automobile in question is a Land Rover. (2004 Land Rover. Vinyl indoors. 33,000 miles. No solar roof. If you?Re fascinated.)

It is a large black behemoth that stands greater than six ft tall, weighs 6,724 pounds and gets, in step with E.P.A. Calculations, 11 miles to the gallon in the city, assuming you don?T cross uphill, forestall at stop symptoms or run the aircon. If you do any of these things, the fuel mileage, according to my calculations, falls by about half of.


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