Pink & Green
Doggie beds!
Blueblood dog bed in Martha's Vineyard
Blueblood dog bed in St. Barths
Bowsers dog bed in Pink
Bowsers canine bed in Riviera Stripe
Tealeaf green canine bed
Well it most effective took SweetBoy 3 days to determine out that the red and green couch that used to be inside the kitchen is the very equal couch now in his room, the den, hiding underneath a white blanket.
The quandary is that he turned into allowed to sit (more like roll around and sprawl out) on the "kitchen" sofa however hasn't been allowed to get at the "den" couch. Now that he is figured out its the same one, he is now not having it with the brand new rule.
I think its time to get him his own comfy spot to help hold mine dog hair loose.
My favorite is the first one, the Blueblood (you know its classy with that name) dog bed in Martha's Vineyard. I don't know if you can tell on your computer screen but it's actually green with pale pink on the sides.
Do y'all have any recommendation for preserving pets off of your furnishings?
Especially pets that were previously spoiled only children and allowed to sit with you at one point.
Let me know when you have every other canine beds which you think are high-quality.
And attractive of course.
I'm honestly not too concerned with it being chew proof because after our previous TWO experiences he'll NEVER be allowed access to this bed without direct supervision and its never going to be placed in his kennel. I just want something cozy for him to sit on and pretty for me to look at. I'm also open to the idea of making my own dog bed cover using outdoor fabrics if anyone knows how to do that.