Why first time moms lose their mind

Just in case the day before today's a laugh wasn't enough for you!

Are any other moms dying here?

I'm quite certain I've examine and carried out each book and idea they spoofed.

What approximately y'all?

Any real recommendation from the momsquad available for us freshmen or have to I just preserve checking youtube to assist me enhance BabyGirl well?

PS-we officially let her cry it out in the middle of the night last night for the first time.  We've been doing that during naps since she was teeny tiny with tremendous success but nights have always been different.  Any time she cries at night we get up and feed her in the dark and she immediately goes back down to sleep.  She's an incredible sleeper and only wakes up to eat during the few days surrounding a growth spurt.

This time it changed into exclusive.

She's been in a "boom spurt" for over three weeks now and I ultimately called her bluff.

It handiest took her nine minutes to fall again asleep.

I counted.

It took me over an hour.

Go determine!

Happy Birthday to my superb older and plenty wiser sister!

Here's to 31 Elizabeth!!!

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