Achtung baby
It's come to my attention that there is a wee problem with the redirect from my vintage URL. For whatever purpose, that redirect now not appears to be automated and there may be now an delivered step to the manner. Based on the drop in my site visitors the day before today, this delivered step should be too awesome a burden to bear and I'm taking this as a signal that it's time to replace links and feeds. Please.
In English, what this indicates is that around three months ago I bought and modified my web address from the antique http://paulanater.Blogspot.Com to the shiny and new http://www.Kitchenandresidentialdesign.Com. My vintage URL still works, even though there's a redirect message that looks while anyone enters that web cope with.
So, I'm asking my normal readers and each person who links to me to replace that link deal with please. The fine manner to make sure that I'll be here to enhance your lifestyles every morning in case you navigate to me thru http://www.Kitchenandresidentialdesign.Com.
The old URL will live lively for the following couple of months or so however it is going to be going away eventually, just as quickly as I figure out what I want to do with it.
Many, many thanks for analyzing me and spending time at Kitchen and Residential Design.