Shared Room

So long story short, Tagg is lonely.  He's always been happiest when he's right in the middle of things and doesn't like to be left alone.  He feels left out.  And he got really used to sleeping next to me during the week he was sick and in the hospital and now he's not having it alone.  I'm not interested in co-sleeping with my children.  That's fine, just not for my husband and me.  So my brain has been stretching it's limits on how to cure this and the best idea I've come up with is to put him in Wells' room.  I'm probably crazy.  No, just sleep deprived.  And he's sleeping through the night again, for those who are curious.  But he wakes up sad and crying and that is so not him.  Once I pick him up he just snuggles into me and I know he just didn't like being alone.  I know it's a clingy phase that all babies go through and I'm happy to oblige all day long.  But I can't snuggle him all night every night even if I want to do it.  Sleep (lack of) is my biggest hurdle as a mother.  Tagg is one hundred percent obsessed with Wells and I really think a shared room could solve our problems.

I'm sure we'll probably keep everyone in their own rooms.  But it got me thinking.  Do people ever let their children share a room when it's a boy and a girl rather than same sex?  My sister and I shared a room growing up and my brother had his own room.  That's more typical I think.  I'll be honest, my sister and I hated sharing a room.  We just had different ideas on bed time and wake times and too much togetherness.  I adore my sister, it was just logistics of our personalities and sleep patterns that made it suck growing up.  But I know others who loved the closeness and shared secrets.

I can totally picture my kids climbing into each other's room when they're old enough anyway so why not just designate one room for sleeping and one room for playing.  Like in the olden days when all the children grew up in the nursery (peter pan, mary poppins).

What's the age limit you would stop this?  Puberty right?  Clearly.  And I noticed there was nothing to help me out on pinterest so I created my own version of what a boy/girl shared room might look like.  It's pretty much the direction Wells' room is already taking with a more masculine touch added for Tagg.  Although there are cribs and not beds in our current situation.

Did you share a room growing up?  Do your kids share now?  Thoughts?

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