New Slipcover for my Ikea Ektorp Sofa - Review

Hello pals!

Have you ever wanted to change out your sofa for the different holidays or seasons?  Well, if you're anything like me, and addicted to decorating, then I think you are going to be excited about today's post.

I just received a new replacement slipcover for my Ikea Ektorp sofa from Comfort Works and I couldn't be more pleased with it. My new slipcover has instantly updated our living room and changed the whole mood of the room.

You may recall, I wrote THIS post not too long ago, where I was sharing my process for choosing the fabric for my new Ikea sofa cover. Comfort Works can send you fabric samples to try out, which I think is so great. I was able to really get a close look and feel at all of my options. It was a difficult decision, but in the end I decided that the Shire Coal was the best choice for me.

It took only a couple of weeks for my slipcover to be handmade by in house artisans and shipped to my doorstep. When it arrived, it came packaged in this cute cotton bag tied up in a pretty red bow.  It seriously felt like Christmas came early as I was opening it up.

I was so excited, I immediately pulled the slipcover out of the bag and placed it on my sofa. I couldn't believe how well this slipcover fits my sofa. It wasn't too tight like my other slipcover, so I was able to slip it on really easily. But at the same time, it wasn't too loose where it looked  baggy. I would say it's the perfect fit.

I also like how the delivered piping and pleats provide it a tailored look.

It turned into a high-quality lovable contact to add tags to assist you to understand where to location the slipcover.

Isn't this dark grey so pretty? The Shire Coal is a wool blend that is 30% Wool and 70% Polyester.  And I can't even begin to tell you how incredibly soft this fabric is.  I have to run my hands across it every time I sit down. It feels amazing!

I think the grey wool is the right cloth for winter time. It feels so heat and relaxed, and it makes you need to cuddle up at the couch and relax the day away.

I clearly adore my new Comfort Works slipcover. It seriously feels like I simply were given a today's sofa.

So in case you are trying to replace your couch, I relatively advocate Comfort Works. They concentrate on making slipcovers for Pottery Barn and Ikea sofas, however they are able to custom make slipcovers for every other brands, models, and sizes of sofas as nicely. Comfort Works also provide a big type of fabric and finishes to pick out from so that you can layout a sofa cover that is just right for your property.

Comfort Works also carries some amazing Christmas accessories.  I'll be back to share a little more about them soon.

Thanks for stopping by today and Thank you, Comfort Works for my beautiful new Ikea sofa cover


* This is a sponsored submit with the aid of Comfort Works. Comfort Works sent me the slipcover as a present to study. With that said, all critiques are my very own and I could enormously endorse Comfort Works to you.

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