Twenty Things

I was tagged by my girl Shelley to play along in a little get to you know game called Twenty Things.  I feel like it's always hard for me to come up with new things to tell y'all about myself because through the years I've shared so much.  But it's always fun to stretch my brain and share some random facts.  I'm calling out Dominique of Comfy Cozy Couture to keep this little gem going.

Dress relaxation is records.

1.  My husband and I met on a blind date.  The rest is history.

2.  I hate formal exercise.  I much prefer to go on walks or run around with my kids.  The gym freaks me out.  I feel like I'm just not coordinated enough for classes and I think I look like such a try-hard wandering around by myself staring at all the equipment.

3. I need at least two more hours in my day.  I'm going to start carving them out of the morning because I'm just not a night person.  I go to bed immediately following my kids.  I've tried afternoon or evening caffeine drinking which leaves me more awake but also restless all night.  I need some time to be alone.  Do you know how much actual alone time I get each day?  None.  I think some quiet alone time would be good for me.

4.  I'm so much more comfortable in simple clothes.  I feel so silly and much older in really trendy outfits.  Read Real Housewives over the top.  I also don't want to get stuck in a fashion rut.

5.  I don't hate my skin and I love natural looks on other women but I still wear tinted moisturizer, highlighter, bronzer, blush, mascara, and pink lip gloss daily. I'm also a big fan of hairspray and dry shampoo.

6.  I go through phases with my purchases.  For a while it's all house stuff, then it's clothes.  I honestly don't feel like I over do it in either area but it's funny how it's all or nothing for me.

7.  I want another baby but I know I can't handle it.  Things feel so manageable right now during the day and I know adding another to the mix will alter that forever.  And we still haven't gotten the honeymoon period of nighttime sleep after having Tagg.  I don't do well when I feel like I'm sinking and I know a baby would make me feel that way.  Not another child, but another baby.  I want Wells to have a sister and Tagg to have a brother.  So really that's two more babies that I want.  Not in the cards for us.

8.  Along those lines, I don't like the baby stage.  I'm thankful every day for the way in which my two are growing up and communicating more.  Wells was a really hard and fussy baby, Tagg was not.  But either way, they may get harder in some respects as they get more independent but the crying and sleeplessness isn't for me.  Just tell me what you need!

9.  My hair is turning white.  Yup.  It's skipping over the grey stage and going straight for white.  Everywhere.  I can't even.  I'm using it as my excuse to go blonde.  I was blonde when Matthew and I met and got married and then up and went back to brunette one day one a whim.  I always said when I was pregnant with Wells that I would be what my kids are one day, so blonde it is for all of us now!

10.  My kids have too much screen time.  I'm not going to pretend it's only for a few minutes so I can cook dinner or just during breakfast.  We play outside a lot and we play with toys so much but I always feel guilty about the shows.  So much.  But somehow I still say yes any time they ask to use the iPad or watch tv because it's so easy.  I say yes too much.

11. Up until about a year ago I really truly disliked Mexican food.  Now, it's my most favorite.

12.  I knew from the first month that Matthew and I dated that if we had a son his name would be Tagg.  Wells' name was originally Milly, which changed to Anne-Massey, and eventually Anne Caswell.  We didn't start calling her Wells until right before I was due.

13.  I'm slow to make new friends.  I have a few good friends here in Richmond and a few really good friends spread out over the country.  With the exception to one, these are people I have known for years.  I envy women who go to a playground or preschool drop-off and leave with a new pal.  How do they do it?  How do they make those connections so effortlessly?  I envy that.

14.  Barbecue Chicken Pizza is my all time favorite.  I could eat it every day.

15.  I eat salad every day for lunch.  Like a giant mixing bowl family sized salad.  I think it's really easy to make good food choices most of the time when you don't limit yourself.  Every time you put something in your body it's a choice.  I would rather eat a giant salad the size of my head than a small sliver of something else.  But I also don't deprive myself.  So when I want something high in calories, I go for it.  Like a whole barbecue chicken pizza.

16.  The only liquids I drink are coffee, tea, wine (or beer), and water.  That's it.  I never ever drink juice (aside from the occasional mimosa) or soft drinks.  Period.  I used to love them.  I gave them up for a while after Tagg was born because I was having a bag sugar crash and I accidentally lost ten pounds.  I had more energy and I lost weight.  Never looking back.

17.  I know I'm that mom and I'm okay with it.  I'm going to cry when they go to kindergarten.  I'm going to loose my shit if either of them tries to apply to an out of state college.  I feel like Matthew and I have built the sweetest little family and I never want that to change.  I worry about them growing up and leaving.  I worry about the time when I won't get to know the most about them.

18.  I'm super sarcastic and find witty humor the best kind of humor.  Watching almost all comedies give me major eye roll because they're just so not funny to me.  I think real life humor is the best.  It's so rare to find that in shows or movies and I wish Hollywood would do a better job of portraying that.

19.  I watch The Real Housewives, Nashville, Parenthood, Scandal, and Love it or List it.  Throw in some Netflix and that's it.  I feel like in 20 years I'm going to really suck at Trivial Pursuit.

20.  I used to wear dressy clothes and high heels when I was a full-time nanny after college to prove that I would make a hot mom one day.  Now I wear yoga pants with uggs or skinny jeans and flats.

Okay now I do not anticipate you to give you this kind of prolonged list with out a warning but I would like a good way to share one or two matters about yourself in the comments phase.? Just a piece approximately who you are or what makes you tick.

Okay now I don't expect you to come up with such a lengthy list with no warning but I would love for you to share one or two things about yourself in the comments section.  Just a bit about who you are or what makes you tick.

I'm also opening it up for you to ask me anything else you're curious about.  We haven't played this game since Tagg was a baby.  Go.

No, this post wasn't sponsored, I'm just starting to add a few things into my fall work wardrobe and I thought you might like to take a look as well.  Shop the look here:

*affiliate links were used in this post.  please see the sidebar for more information.

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