What do you carry: a Blog Off post

Every weeks, the blogosphere comes alive with some thing called a Blog Off. A Blog Off is an occasion wherein bloggers of every stripe weigh in at the identical topic at the identical day. The subject matter for this spherical of the Blog Off is "What are you wearing?"


I fancy myself to be a bit of a traveler and the many places life's brought me so far have left an indelible mark on me. I'm a better man for having seen some places most people only read about and it's not something I take lightly. So whether it was trekking through a Panamanian rain forest or having the Spanish steps all to myself on a rainy Sunday morning, places and experiences stay with me.

I want to tour lightly and I'm now not plenty of a consumer, however something I've been doing for the closing two decades or so is accumulating odds and ends from the locations where I've been. These stones and sticks, bones and feathers become in a jar on my cloth wardrobe. That jar is my international in miniature it rings a bell in my memory how fortunate I am each morning. The subject this week is What do You Carry? And my solution is that I bring with me each enjoy I've ever had. Some highlights:

This is an historic Roman bell, it is one of the three historical Roman artifacts I personal. That this bronze bell become once sewn into the hem of someone's clothes thrills me to my core.

This is a small piece of brick from the Baths of Caracalla in Rome. The ruins in Rome are crumbling and this small piece of brick ended up getting washed off the building that after held the grandest baths the sector has ever visible and it landed on a route I become walking on. Holding a bit of Roman engineering is almost as thrilling as conserving a piece of Roman ornament.

These are shells from a beach in Honduras. If you ever want a get away for some solitude,  Honduras fits that bill nicely. The Honduran people are amazing and they need your money. Go.

This is a bit of pumice I fished out of a hillside in Pompeii. This piece of pumice is one of the billions of pieces of pumice spewed out of Mount Vesuvius on August 24th, 79 and buried Pompeii.

This is pumice I pried out of the cliffs in Herculaneum. This stuff appears so innocent now.

This is a piece of granite from the summit of Mount Tamalpais in Marin County, California.  Mount Tam was the backdrop to an important period in my life and when I hold onto that rock it's like I'm there all over again.

This is a feather I observed on Cat Island in The Bahamas. It once belonged to a not unusual ground dove, which are the most comical birds I've ever had the pride to interact with.

This is a bit of quartz from Guanajuato, Mexico. Mexico is a beleaguered u . S . And accurate information from there may be tough to return by means of within the US press. Mexico is a surprise and it has a history that predates whatever in this aspect of the border through centuries.

My great friends Bob and Rick live just outside of Philadelphia and this is a piece of mica  I retrieved from their woods.

This is a shell from the seashore in Positano. I've written approximately the marvel that is Positano right here before and this misshapen shell is an ideal metaphor for the place.

This desiccated tree frog once stowed away in my baggage when I become in Panama. I never knew he changed into there and by the point I got domestic he hadn't survived the ordeal.

This is a shell from a beach in Mayreau in St. Vincent and the Grenadines. The severe southern Caribbean is affected by unpopulated islands, many of which can be best available via sailboat, which is how I were given there. Why every person might set foot on a cruise deliver is beyond me.

I bought this ring from an old woman in Puerto Limón, Costa Rica for around 75 cents. It's silver and I wore it for nearly ten years.

This is a chunk of lavender I picked from a roadside in France in what looks like a lifetime ago. It's at the least sixteen years vintage and it still smells like lavender.

This is a piece of stainless steel I retrieved from a factory parking lot in Germany last winter.
So what do I carry? My history and the stories I've accumulated.

As the day goes on, the rest of the participants in today's Blog Off will appear miraculously at the end of this post. Keep checking back and check out everybody's postss. You can follow along in Twitter as well, just look for the hashtag #LetsBlogOff. If you'd like more information about about the Blog Off or if you'd like to see the results of previous Blog Offs, you can find the main website here .

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