Rethinking White Kitchen Cabinets
Confession. I'm sick of cleaning our white kitchen cabinets. I don't need to tell you how much I love the look of white in my house. Walls, furniture, cabinets, curtains, linens; you name it I've wanted it white. It's bright and clean and classic and provides the perfect backdrop for my ever evolving rotation of style and accessories. But my white kitchen cabinets? I'm over the constant upkeep and I want to paint them greige.
The only catch is that we'll be working with our existing black countertops and greigey kitchen cabinets exist almost exclusively on pinterest paired with white countertops. But I found a few that I absolutely love. Plus Chip & Joanna did it so it must be awesome right? Our kitchen certainly isn't nearly this big but I think a lot of the design choices could work perfectly in our house.
I'm just so sick of seeing finger print smudges and splatters of ketchup or tomato sauce and smears of grease and grime and the overall dirty look they get no matter how often I clean them off. I know those things would all be still there and need to be wiped off regardless of cabinet color but I'm starting to think a little bit of what I don't know won't hurt me might be in order.
Our cabinets are original to the house and have already been painted over several times so I'm not decreasing the value by slapping up some new paint. And if I hate it I can just sand it off and repaint them back to white. So it's really not that big of a deal to try it out, right?
I'm thinking something in the beige-gray family with a hint of green rather than blue undertones. Any favorite paint colors you think I should try? I have a few I've rounded up to test out so I'll let you know how that goes!