Lemon Pineapple Kiwi Sparkling Mocktail #healthydrink #drinkrecipe #smoothiehealthy #cocktail

Flying with a baby – I'd preferably get my shrewdness teeth evacuated. Flying with a little child while pregnant? I'd preferably get my index AND gallbladder expelled. So when I returned home for a taxing week to see my family and had significant postpone issues at the air terminal, all I needed was a niiiiice mixed drink. Be that as it may, I CAN'T have a mixed drink… .so I made this lemon pineapple kiwi shining mocktail once I returned home to quiet my worried nerves.

I'm making an effort not to boast, however on the off chance that you can endure a 12-hour travel day with an excessively worn out little child, while pregnant, with 5+ long stretches of postponements sprinkled in there, lifts/elevators not working, and a couple of more defers sitting on the landing area, I think a mother of the year trophy is all together. Truly, it was hellfire.

I won't go in to every one of the insights regarding how I needed to hold a substantial child, a carriage, and a rucksack while getting off the plane on a lofty, ice-covered slope, or how I scanned for any new interruption I could (regardless of whether it was Kleenex) so as to stay away from another total and complete emergency, or how I just had cashews and water throughout the day, or why I discovered Mickey Mouse stickers in my cleavage when I showered that night… however I WILL go in to insights concerning this lemon pineapple kiwi shimmering mocktail that you can make at home.

This fruity, invigorating, and too light non-mixed beverage is ideal for those warm forthcoming summer nights, pregnant momma's to be, or whenever you need a cool treat. Furthermore, you can completely include a 'lil vodka in there on the off chance that you feel so slanted. I'm not judging – I wish I could as well!

I utilized La Croix shimmering lemon water as a base for this drink, however you could surely do any assortment, or out and out shining water with a little lemon or lime juice included. This mocktail isn't excessively sweet (to spare some cals) yet you could include progressively crude nectar on the off chance that you lean toward more sweet than tart. Basically include the cut kiwi, pineapple squeeze, and nectar to a blender or nourishment processor and puree until velvety. At that point add to the shimmering water!
Lemon Pineapple Kiwi Sparkling Mocktail #healthydrink #drinkrecipe #smoothiehealthy #cocktail
Also try our recipe Copycat Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte #healthydrink #drinkrecipe #smoothiehealthy #cocktail


  • 1 kiwi
  • 3 teaspoons pineapple juice
  • 1 teaspoon (or more if you like it sweet) raw honey
  • 1 can La Croix sparkling lemon water
  • *optional: ice cubes with fresh mint leaves


  1. Peel and slice the kiwi and place into a small food processor or blender
  2. Add the pineapple juice and raw honey (honey should be warmed a few seconds in the microwave so it is in a liquid state)
  3. Pulse or blend to make a thin, well-blended puree
  4. Pour 3/4 cup sparkling water into each glass. Divide the puree and pour in each glass
  5. Serve with mint ice cubes if desired

Read more our recipe Strawberry White Hot Chocolate #healthydrink #drinkrecipe #smoothiehealthy #cocktail

Source : bit.ly/2rpOgyN

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